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Everybody sees the ants

Lucky didn't ask for his life. He didn't ask his grandfather not to come home from the Vietnam War. He didn't ask for a father who never got over it. He didn't ask for a mother who keeps pretending their dysfunctional family is fine. And he didn't ask to be the target of Nader McMillan's relentless bullying, which has finally gone too far.

But Lucky has a secret - one that helps him wade through the daily mundane torture of his life. In his dreams, Lucky escapes to the war-ridden jungles of Laos - the prison his grandfather couldn't escape - where Lucky can be a real man, an adventurer, and a hero. It's dangerous and wild, and it's a place where his life might just be worth living. But how long can Lucky keep hiding in his dreams before reality forces its way inside?
  • ISBN 9780316129275
  • Nº PÁGS 279
  • AÑO 2012

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Un libro maravilloso, que te hace creer en el poder que cada uno posee sobre su propia vida.
Es fácil de leer, y posee algunas citas dignas de ser enmarcadas.